
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Obesity, women and balanced diet

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Most beautiful creation of ALLAH is women. One big philosopher said this but he didn’t mention that to maintain this beauty complete health is necessary. Its completion is incomplete without nutrition and secret to get balanced nutrition is hidden in balanced diet. What is balanced diet? What is necessary in it? What and how much women should eat so that they remain beautiful and healthy? Therefore in different stages of life and diseases (that comes in life of a women) how one should take care of her health? Here we give answers to these questions. 

It is proved that women are men’s Women comparatively eat more and eat at more frequent intervals as well. Normally there are three usual timings of meals in this world, meaning breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between these meals having a cup of tea or some other drink is not uncommon. This routine is so commonly accepted that whether it is the first world countries or third world countries, this routine is generally adopted. This especially applies to the men who leave their homes in the morning and come back in the evening have not much options but to follow this routine. They either take lunch from home or order ‘naan cholay’ according to their taste. In developed countries where you find women working right next to men in almost every aspect of life, even these women deal with their hunger through burgers and coffee. But compared to men, they will chew toffees, chewing gums, and eat chocolates all day long to keep themselves from hunger. This habit and routine has now been adopted in the developing world by the so called ‘working women’ who feel proud of staying out and earning. If you go through the luggage they carry on their delicate shoulders in the form of heavy handbags, you will find something or the other of the junk food for quick snacks. Those women who stay home and are called housewives, and are free from the burden of earning a living, are not lagging behind in terms of food intake compared to the working women. A friend who’s a doctor and keeps a special interest in the habits of women, enlightened us by telling us that women don’t have lunch once, they have it thrice. First time is when they are cooking and have some portion of it to taste it. Second time is when her kids come back from school so eats a little with them too. And third time is the main proper lunch that she has with her husband when he returns from work. Even if there is an exaggeration in this fact that my friend suggested, I believe there is still some truth in it.

Our daily lifestyle and routine is based upon how healthy and energetic we are. When we wake up from sleep and put our feet off the bed and onto the ground and then go back to bed for sleep at night. During this whole time our body is spending energy to work. The rate of energy expenditure depends upon the individual’s degree of workload. If you are just sitting and reading and writing, or playing cards, ludo or carom (board games) in which there is not much movement, then in comparison will be activities like playing and running, weight lifting, and playing outdoor games. Now let’s make an estimate of a woman’s use and need of energy and calories for her daily chores at house and at workplace, for pregnancy and also lactating mothers. After experiences and estimations, we have come to a conclusion that each day a man needs 3000 calories while a woman needs 1500 calories. Those young kids moving on to puberty and maturity also need the same amount of calories for their proper growth. Let us now see how these energy requirements are gained from the food that we eat, but before that, lets see how many calories are present in different food items available in Pakistan:

Everyday use items and their calories:


Items given in the table:




420 Cal


1 cup flour (2 rotis)

680 Cal


1 cup rice

160 Cal


1 glass of milk

150 Cal


Cooked mixed vegetables

108 Cal


1 egg (half boiled)

80 Cal


Fruits (all types)


Daily Normal Balanced Diet in Pakistan:

Planning Development Division, Government of Pakistan Islamabad has suggested this following daily diet from which approximately 300 Calories are obtained:

Food Items


Calories (Calories)







Green vegetables



Vegetables with roots






Oil or Banaspati



Meat (chicken, fish etc)



1 egg









Now we will see how much energy we get from 30g each of the following items:

Food Items



Organ meat(liver/kidney)



Dry fruits



Fruits (all types)









Dahi (yogurt)

















If there is a reaction to a medicine, this will quickly treat the allergy

Respected Hakeem Sahab Asalamo Alaikum! I was reading a newspaper one day when I found your column written in it and got introduced to Ubqari this way. Previously I used to think this was some palmist’s magazine whenever I saw it on the book stalls. I was amazed when I read it, that amalgamation of religion and hikmat can be done this beautifully I had never imagined in my wildest dreams. No doubt it is ALLAH’s greatness but Our Great ALLAH has created great people from amongst His creation too. May ALLAH give you a Great reward for this effort. I present to you my tried and tested tip. This incident goes back to some while when I was sitting in my office in U.A.E. My young fellow colleague entered the office in a state of distress; his whole body was red and spots all over. He was all itch and as if there was a fire in his body. He told me that he drank honey mixed in coffee at the canteen and it caused this to him. He was going to his officer to get permission to go see a doctor. I advised him that before going to the doctor have a glass of water and squeeze a lemon in it and drink it. That same young lad entered five minutes later in the office, this time smiling. He was totally at ease, all the redness on his body and the discomfort had disappeared. This is my tried and tested tip that whenever there if heat in the body and redness due to any food item or a reaction to any medicine, I always take lemon and it gets cured!

Rohaani Phakki is Rohaani (spiritual) in reality! I have been taking rohaani phakki for quite some time now and my stomach has become totally normal now. Body aches have minimized too. I had tried all sorts of allopathic, homeopathic and hikmat medicines for a very long time but truly by the grace of ALLAH Rohani phakki is actually rohaani in its effect. (Shamsheer Khan, Nowshera)

Slim face and smart body has become the standard/criterion of female beauty 
These days. If someone calls you "chubby" in school or college it just pierces your heart. Especially the girls start dieting during puberty without proper planning which is dangerous . There is a difference between being healthy and obesity. Every overweight girl should not start dieting without any proper reason.
Apparently, there are three reasons for obesity:

  1. Inherited obesity
  2. Obesity due to hormonal imbalance 
  3. Obesity due to over eating

Dieting is not the remedy of first two causes. You should consult some physician. In1993, 863 samples were taken in a study in America. It was concluded that over-eating was the cause of obesity in 783 males and females, while 67 developed due to hereditary and 11 individuals developed due to hormonal imbalance. It was concluded that over-eating was the cause of obesity in 90 percent of individuals. American Dietitians agree that you should not misunderstand that dieting was make you slim. And if at all it happens, you will develop many dietary deficiencies. Another myth is that you will trim your body with exercise and that obesity will go. Persistence is necessary for the required results otherwise 

Low calorie diet is the most effective in getting rid of obesity. Diet that all working females as well as house- wives should take must comprise of an average of Sixty grams of Proteins, one hundred grams of carbohydrates and forty grams of fats. Four hundred and fifty grams of milk and twenty grams of sugar could also be consumed on daily basis. One thousand calories are provided by this diet. A time table of this diet is presented here, taken from the British Medical Journal. For women the ideal balanced diet: 1000 calories.


Bed tea: 1 cup of tea, milk 30g from the daily allowance.

Breakfast: 1 egg and toast 30g, 1 cup of coffee/tea. You can add sugar and milk in it from the daily allowance.

Before Zuhr: 1 cup of tea (milk and sugar from daily allowance) or 1 glass of fresh juice.

Lunch/After Zuhr: plain soup or tomato juice/grapefruit juice 1 glass. Meat: 3 normal sized cooked chicken pieces (boti) 60g OR fish 60g, one plate of vegetables either cooked in saalan or as salad Fruits 240g.

Evening: 1 cup tea. Biscuits 10g without any cream or chocolate

Dinner: 1 bowl of soup or chicken stalk, grapefruit juice 1 glass, either chicken/mutton/fish cooked 3 boti (pieces) or kebab form 60g, 1 roti 40g.

Note: 1 daily allowance of milk (without cream) is 450g, sugar 20g (approx. 2 tablespoons), and butter/cooking oil/banaspati 15g (approx. 1 serving spoon). Fruits: fruiter (orange), malta, banana, apricot, plum, loquat, peach, pear, apple, melon, watermelon. Vegetables: pea, cauliflower, carrot, radish, cabbage, turnip, spinach family as a whole, mustard, onion, garlic, tomatoes. (Dr. Syed Zahid Ali Wasti)

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